Finding Wellness in Change

Change is never easy. Not the simple day-to-day change in schedule/outfit/place to lunch. The real change. Change in location/lifestyle/job/relationships. Change is painful. But it is also healing. And through change, we can find our wellness.

If you took any psychology classes in high school or college, you have heard of the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TMC). If you haven’t heard of the TMC it is, in short, the stages a person goes through as they prepare to make changes in their life. We think of the stages of change as being cyclical, but it, like most things in life, is pretty entangled. And yes, we can make changes TO our wellness using the TMC. But simply working through change, regardless of what it is, can enhance your wellness. Keep reading to see why…

I’ve recently made a HUGE change in my life. I wasn’t excited about it, and I sat in the suck for a really long time. But here is the thing, at some point, you have to eventually take action. If you don’t, then nothing will happen, good or bad. How does this effect wellness?

Contemplating major changes in your life is never easy. There is always a “grass is greener” approach. Tons of what ifs. And when you are trying to navigate all the possibilities of change or, as in my situation, trying to manage everything but really doing nothing well; this can lead to a lot of stress. And what does stress do? Totally messes with your hormones and body. Stress can cause inflammation, increase cortisol, jack up everything from sleep to immune health. Stress can be the down fall of health and wellness. And there isn’t any self-care in the world that is going to ease stress that is caused by change or lack of.

But there is peace in change.

When facing change and working through the stages, there can be a lot of internal dissonance and emotions. But that action stage can lead to so much release. You aren’t living on the edge anymore. There is movement towards your goal. And while the whole “one door closes so another can open” mindset is true, there can be grief in action. And that is totally okay! Because there is healing, movement, and release in grief too.

For me, choosing to end one side of my business and community, is leading the way for me to do the work I know I am meant to do. While I grieve for the community I leave behind, I am excited and hopeful for the people I am yet to meet, the clients I am going to work with. And in making this change, there has been so much release. Stress levels have decreased, I sleep through the night, my immune system is perking back up, my anxiety is better managed.

And this is where change can improve wellness. We get so bogged down by the day to day that we don’t even realize that change needs to occur, or that there is a different way. Making a change doesn’t mean failure. It means growth and progress. Constantly taking an assessment of yourself and what you need to do in order to optimize your purpose and mindset. And when you find something that isn’t manifesting your goals and dreams, you can change or pivot.

If nothing else, change can lead you to living your true purpose and potential. You are manifesting your future and weaving a tapestry of a life well lived. And there really isn’t a better form of wellness than that. So, the next time you are contemplating change or find yourself in a state of stress, take note of how you feel and what your wellness can look like when you make a big change. What is best for you, your health, and those you choose to surround yourself with?

**To book a complementary session with Meg to do your own wellness check-in, click here.


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