6 tips for hitting your goals on vacation

It can be REALLY hard to keep up with your goals while you're on vacation. Between the food, change of routine, change of available food, drinking more, and sleeping more (depending on where you are and if you have your kids or not), staying the course can be difficult. Even keeping up with your motivation when you come home, if you weren’t able to stick to your plan while you were away, can be difficult or even difficult (unmotivated, difficult to get back on track). All of this is okay. These tips and tricks can help you to stay on your path towards your goals while you’re away. And even if you can’t stay on your path, you may have an easier time getting back on course when you get home.

Don’t lose track of the hard work you’re putting into your body, just because you have a change in scenery

  1. HYDRATE: One of the number 1 issues, when we are out of town, is getting enough water. It can be easy to stay hydrated at home, where you have water at the ready and you know your routine. But when the routine is gone, you are out and about on adventures, sitting by the beach/pool, camping, etc water can be hard to come by, and/or you don’t have the same reminders. But staying hydrated can keep you on your goals because getting enough water is going to keep your body functioning at optimal levels. No travel constipation for you! We are keeping things lubed up. Staying hydrated can also help you recognize your hunger cues and differentiate between boredom, hunger, dehydration, etc. Recognizing your dehydration cues can also be important. Some of these cues could look like this:

    • Hunger

    • Dry mouth

    • Stomach cramps

    • Headache

    • Lethargy

    • Crankiness

    • Swollen/achy joints

    • Dry eyes

  2. WATCH THE BOOZE: Now vacation is totally a time to let yourself go, let your hair down, and relax. And many of us tend to do this by drinking more. As long as it doesn’t get out of hand and turn into a habit, that’s fine. Especially when you’re in a destination and it’s a themed base drink (ALL ABOUT A THEME), but as I’m sure you know, your inebriated self probably doesn’t make the best choices. Oftentimes, the drunk munchies come into play when we have had too much to drink. And not only do we wake up the next day with a hangover, but we also wake up feeling bloated, full, and like we ate one too many Taco Bell burritos. My advice is to have a glass or bottle of water between each drink. This way, you stay hydrated, and you don’t get too wasted in the process. You will also make sure you don’t make food choices that you’re going to regret in the morning

  3. MEAL PLAN: Even if you aren’t planning on cooking while you’re gone, you can still have a few good meal options in mind. If you’re like me, food is one of the exciting parts of a vacation. Whether it’s seafood at the beach, burgers and s’mores around a campfire, and everything in between; it’s always nice to embrace the food of the locals. So, do a little research before you go. Yelp! Is always a good resource for top restaurants. Take a look at their menus and get an idea of what looks good based on your nutritional needs and also appears satisfying. This way, if you’re hangry (or drunk), you already know what the right choice is and you don’t have to waste time wondering, or making a choice that you’re going to regret. And if you are planning on cooking, make you throw some fresh fruits and vegetables into your meal plan, of whatever works for your goals.

  4. PACK SNACKS: This one is my favorite because road trips are all about snacks. But also make sure you have snacks once you reach your destination. Snacks are a great way to manage your hunger and insure that you don’t reach 0 on your hunger scale (extreme physical hunger - a step PAST hangry). You can pack snacks like carrots and hummus, trail mix, fresh fruit, avocados, hard-boiled eggs, and even a protein bar or two. Make sure you pack enough for your trip and that way you don’t have to hit the store when you get there. Bringing your own snacks is also safer on your budget!

  5. WALK: Walking is my favorite low-impact exercise. You can literally do it anywhere. The beach is probably the most relaxing walk, but getting out in nature can help you in tons of ways. Getting out in the sun releases endorphins that can keep in happy, in a good mood, but also feeling balanced. And you’re getting steps in. If you are big into moving your body while you’re at home, but not so much on vacation, shoot for getting 8k-10k steps/day. This way, you won’t go stir crazy from all the static relaxation, and you can get your body moving a bit. Walking is a great way to burn calories while enjoying your surroundings. But it’s really great for keeping your body functioning at its best. Walking can help with daily bowel movements and food digestion. So if you’re prone to feeling bloated or just blah on vacation, go for a walk. It can do a world of difference.

  6. SLEEP: There really is nothing better than a good night’s sleep. And it isn’t just because you wake up feeling incredible. While sleeping you are healing, processing stress from the day before. Fun fact, the neurons in your brain actually shrink by 20%. During this time, they are resting and repairing and growing stronger. This is so important for your health and wellness! You are able to better manage your metabolism when you are getting enough sleep. You manage stress and are able to make better food choices when you get plenty of sleep. Each individual needs different amounts of sleep. Some women do better getting 8-9 hours, whereas other women only need 6-7 hours. On one vacation you can really take the time to gauge how much sleep you need. Pull back from electronics, go to bed relaxed, and see how you feel in the morning.


The Systemic Gag


Finding Wellness in Change